Safe Solutions, Quality & Guarantee
Low fees and price matching
We offer lower airfares and rates compared to other travel comparison websites. If you find a lower, UK departing airfare than we quoted, Harridge will match this fare (subject to availability).
- Amongst the lowest fees in the industry
- Call us now to compare
- Price matching to ensure the best fare

Traveler Updates, On The Go
Safe Travel offers a mobile travel app for checking flights and hotel bookings. It offers travellers reliable, up-to-date information at their fingertips. It sends you a text 24 hours before departure when you can check in, then updates you automatically with any changes
to your flight
- Amongst the lowest fees in the industry
- Call us now to compare
- Price matching to ensure the best fare
A PA’s best friend
We enhance your team, working alongside you to deliver cost-saving, flexible and straight-forward travel
management solutions
- Check-in online and boarding passes
- 24/7 dedicated account manager
- VIP services available, such as limousine transfers and helicopter bookings

Meaningful Account Management
We don’t just book flights, hotels and transfers. As part of our free consultancy service, we also analyse your
travel expenditure and identify opportunities to optimise savings. Meaningful quarterly meetings and reports
show you exactly where Safe Travel is saving you money
- Quarterly review meeting
- Corporate supplier negotiation
- Tailored reports
Event Management
Safe Travel can also book rooms and venues for meetings, conferences, and other company events, here or abroad. We have access to the lowest rates and exclusive availabilities
- Book a room or venue for meetings
- Book team building venues
- Access lower rates and exclusive availabilities

Quality Management
We work on a standard based upon the continual improvement of management principles, including a strong customer focus, the implementation of top management and the process approach Book a room or venue for meetings
- Fares checking
- Process procedure checking
- Invoice report checking